Saturday, January 26, 2013

Can Dogs have Alzheimers?

Rusty has officially lost it.  I come home after a much needed reunion with some of my old fraternity brothers to find trash strewn across the floor and a once half filled bag of stale cookies reduced to crumbs.  He wasn’t throwing up or acting too strange at first so I didn’t warrant a trip to the vet necessary.  Instead I just kept an eye on him and took him for frequent potty breaks.  The oddities ensued when we retired to bed.  Every two to three minutes rusty would become restless, hop off the bed, walk around to the other side, hop up and lay down.  Occasionally I would wake to avatar-esque sounds and see the old man staring at a wall. I was alarmed when I opened my eyes and he was awkwardly hunched in the corner staring at my girlfriend.  It appeared as if he had been watching her for quite some time and even after calling his name several times his gaze wasn’t broken. I watched him for the next couple minutes when all the sudden he snapped out of it and ran around the bed into the side table. I’m convinced if we had set up night vision cameras we’d have half a paranormal activity, canine edition blockbuster.
            This morning my girlfriend found him half way in the toilet unable to free himself.   He was obviously suffering from sleep deprivation.  He kept running into walls, chairs, falling over nothing and convinced the water in his bowl was an insufficient second to the toilet.  The moment I closed the bathroom door he started pawing it ferociously for 20 minutes.   Finally he gave up and lapped down the water in his bowl, as well as the water in my younger, dementia-free dachshund, Ein.  Three bowls later and his thirst still isn’t quenched.  He continues to pace from bathroom to dog-bowl at a feverish pace. 
Rusty is completely uninterested in his food even though he has most certainly relieved himself of last nights cookie feast.   He refuses to lay down or be still.  He is currently pacing back and forth in my living room, pausing to stare in a corner or to look at something on the floor that isn’t there.  I am convinced he is hallucinating or seeing ghosts.  Even Ein seems concerned.  He keeps walking up to Rusty and licking his face and paws, perhaps to lap up any remaining beard crumbs.  Rusty just walked up and bit the broom leaning against the wall and is precariously pacing around the couch.   I will say this, for a 12 (almost 13) year old dog that had no more than an hour of sleep last night he is impressively determined to accomplish……. something.  I’m just not so sure he even knows what that something is.   Keep the old man in your prayers, he may need an exorcism. 

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